Footnote 75, Chapter 7, Page 203:

Some additional aspects of the comparison between Canada and the United States regarding power-sharing are described in this passage: Lipset points out that “the most important and powerful minority [in the U.S.] is and has been” the African Americans and that, “[u]nlike the Québécois, [they] do not control any states.” Glazer analyzes the potential secessionist movements that have existed in the U.S. He concludes that, because of the slavery of African Americans, “[i]t was only in the South that the possibility… of an independent nation or autonomous state drawn on ethnic and racial lines, separated from the United States could arise.” In part because this possibility was thoroughly defeated in the U.S. civil war, Glazer confirms that the U.S. “no longer ha[s] a group so concentrated in an extensive territorial that it can conceive of a separate state.” In contrast to the Quebec secessionist phenomenon, Glazer points out that immigrants to the U.S. dispersed across the country to an extent that precluded the development of groups’ domination of individual states. Geographical concentration of potentially antagonistic groups raises both the possibility of their secession and the likelihood that resultant, comparative homogeneity will require consociational components to maintain stability. Comparison of the concentration of French speakers in Quebec and the ramifications of extensive immigrant dispersal in the U.S. emphasizes the role played by geographical concentration.