Footnote 58, Chapter 4, Page 107:

A more extensive description of the data representing moderate multiparty systems is included in this version of the chapter to which Footnote 58 refers. Another control variable to be included in this analysis will facilitate assessment of Lijphart’s belief that “moderate multiparty system[s]” are more conducive to the success of consociation. Unfortunately, data indicating the polarization represented by all of the parties operating in each country is unavailable. Philip Keefer’s World Bank Database of Political Institutions does provide information for all of the countries and years covered here, indicating the maximum polarization between the executive party and the four principal parties of the legislature. Situations in which elections are noncompetitive and/or the Chief Executive’s party has an absolute majority in the legislature, are given “0” values in Keefer’s database. The codebook for this database does not specify a maximum value that can be attained for this variable. It provides a separate value that was calculated for each year of each country’s experience and this data from his dataset will be used to represent the variable corresponding to “moderate multiparty systems” here. Analysis of this variable will indicate the extent to which party system polarization accounts for instability. As with the other variables corresponding to conditions that seem favorable to consociation, a lack of polarization may facilitate the progress of the system but it might also be responsible for stability that initially appears to be caused by consociation or some other prescribed remedy for deeply divided societies.