Footnote 26, Chapter 4, Page 83:

The nonviolent manifestations of instability represented in this project’s dependent variable are briefly described in Appendix C. More details concerning the coding methodology for this aspect of the variable are shown in this list, provided by Ted Robert Gurr to accompany their Minorities at Risk dataset:
“Protest Index: Missing Values: 99
Value Label
0 None reported
1 Verbal Opposition (Public letters, petitions, posters, publications, agitation, etc.) Code requests by a minority-controlled regional group for independence here.
2 Symbolic Resistance Scattered acts of symbolic resistance (e.g. sit-ins, blockage of traffic, sabotage, symbolic destruction of property) or political organizing activity on a substantial scale. Code mobilization for autonomy/ secession by a minority-controlled regional government here.
3 Small Demonstrations A few demonstrations, rallies, strikes, and/or riots, total participation of less than 10,000. 4 Medium Demonstrations Demonstrations, rallies, strikes, and/or riots, total participation of less than 100,000.
5 Large Demonstrations Mass demonstrations, rallies, strikes, and/or riots, total participation greater than 100,000. 99 No basis for judgment” (Gurr, 2002, p.169).